NJZ(민지, 하니, 다니엘, 해린, 혜인) 팬들은, 어도어의 가처분 신청을 인용한 법원의 결정에 큰 실망과 우려를 표합니다. 인격권을 심하게 침해하는 하이브와 어도어의 비인간적인 대우를 오랫동안 지켜 본 팬들 입장에서는, 그 침해가 충분히 소명되지 않았다는 법원의 판단이 매우 아쉽습니다.…
— 팀 버니즈 (@NewJeansSTRM) March 21, 2025
"We, the fans of NJZ (Minji, Hani, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein), are deeply disappointed and concerned by the court's decision to grant ADOR's preliminary injunction. As fans who have watched HYBE and ADOR's dehumanizing treatment of the members, which grossly violates their rights to privacy, we are very disappointed that the court found that the violations were not sufficiently pled. We hope that the truth will come out in the appeals process and in the main lawsuit.
We send our unwavering love and support to the members of the organization, who are probably going through the most difficult time of their lives right now. No matter what, the relationship between Bunnies and NJZ is strong, and fans can count on the NJZ members to be with them until the end.
March 21, 2025.
NJZ Fandom Team Bunnies"
original post: here
1. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2, NJZ, find strength
3. Fighting NJZ
4. I think that they are the biggest issue here. They should've never interfered
5. NJZ fighting
6. They should've just stayed quiet..
7. NJZ and NJZ' fandom, find strength
8. I hope that NJZ and NJZ' fandom stay strong. I'm sad that I can't offer any support
9. Wow this is so creepy... so are they just going to get screwed now? I don't even know if they are really fans
10. It's my first time seeing fans supporting a group for ignoring their contracts