Lee Jin-ho said, "The bereaved family of Kim Saeron informed me of their legal action against me on the 16th. I would like to share my stance on this matter as well."

He stated, "I fully respect the position of the bereaved family who have lost their child," but added, "However, there are many factual inaccuracies that I must correct, and that is why I am posting this video."

Lee Jin-ho clarified, "I never said that 'the relationship between Kim Saeron and Kim Soohyun is false.' If I had originally stated that it was a staged act, I wouldn't even need to reveal such information. The position of the legal representative and the bereaved family is contradictory."

He further claimed that the 4 videos related to Kim Saeron were merely covering additional investigations into her. He raised doubts, pointing out that other media outlets also wrote articles about Kim Saeron, but the bereaved family did not take any action against them.

Lee Jin-ho emphasized, "My position of having no face to show to the bereaved family remains unchanged," but asked, "Please refrain from sensationalizing words like 'confirmation of the columbarium location.' On February 21st, I went to Kim Saeron's burial site to show at least minimal respect for the deceased. However, the columbarium staff informed me that the family had relocated the remains elsewhere, so I had to contact her father. I wanted to pay my respect to her."

He pointed out, "A distorted narrative is being used that says I 'called the bereaved family to confirm the columbarium location.' The malicious frame being used that I 'called during mourning' is completely false."

Lee Jin-ho asserted, "Since this incident, whenever doubts or issues have arisen, I have consistently clarified my stance through my community and videos. However, my rebuttals have not been properly conveyed. If only one-sided claims from Garosero continue, I will have no choice but to take legal action."

He continued, "It's not that I don't have evidence to disclose, but I simply do not want to incite mockery or hatred like Garosero. I also want to maintain at least the minimum respect for the deceased, and that’s why, even in the face of criticism, I have kept silent."

source: https://v.daum.net/v/20250317172437554

original post: here

1. Am I stupid or I have no idea what he's trying to say?

2. You're f*cked so you better off just k**ling yourself. What's the matter?

3. You should've not lived that way in from the beginning 

4. So it's ok if you do it to someone, but not when someone does it to you? ... He's so shameless, I'm speechless

5. Look at him talking about "paying respect"

6. I just reported him 

7. Freaking shameless

8. Our country has too many devils 

9. Double standard 

10. ?????? He harmed my bias so much, I hope he finally gets delt with by the law

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