As YouTuber Lee Jinho made waves once again by releasing a recording file, Kim Saeron's agency official, A, who appeared as a voice in the recording file, claimed that he "never provided Lee Jinho with the recording or agreed to release it."
On the 21st, A told Star News, "I never gave the recording to Lee Jinho. The video was also uploaded to YouTube without my consent."
A is the person Lee Jinho mentioned as the newly signed manager for the late Kim Saeron's comeback. After further revelations by Lee Jinho on the 19th and 20th, A expressed his frustration at being suspected of passing information to Lee Jinho once again. "I also called him and screamed at him, 'Are you trying to k*ll me to save your life?'" he said.
Earlier, on the 19th, Lee Jinho released a conversation between A and a woman he believes to be Kim Saeron, recorded on Jan. 8, through his YouTube channel, saying that the late Kim was married during his lifetime.
One of the parties to the conversation, Mr. A, was also accused of providing the recording to Lee Jinho. However, A denied that he ever provided the recording to Lee.
Under the current Communications Secrets Act, it is illegal and subject to criminal penalties if a third party discloses a recording without the consent of the parties to the conversation.
original post: here
1. They are putting up a show
2. If you never gave it to him, then how did he obtain it? It doesn't make senseã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ And aren't you the one who recorded it in the first place?
3. They're just playing their own rigged gameã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
4. But the fact that he had the recording in the first place is just so f*cking shady
5. This is legendary. Then who gave it to him?ã…‹
6. If you didn't give it to him, who did? Did Lee Jinho hack into your phone?
7. How much did he pay you for the recording?
8. So either you gave it to him or he hacked into your phone
9. We're asking you, if you never gave it to Lee Jinho, then how did he obtain it?ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ You guys seem like friends so I don't even feel bad for youã…Ž
10. Then why even record it in the first place? You guys are like peas in a pod