Everglow's Yiren
"I love performing on stage, but so far, my earnings have been zero.
I’m not giving up on being a singer, but our situation isn’t exactly stable yet.
It’s great that we’re going on tour, but it’s a shame that we don’t have any new songs or performances."
This year marks six years since their debut.
The last song we released was Zombie in June of last year.
original post: here
1. Wasn't DUN DUN pretty successful though?
2. Everglow succeeded at gaining foreign fans in the beginning and were popular no? Their MVs had so many views..
3. Their songs were good and the reactions were good too
4. I used to like Everglowã…
5. I liked their songs so I was waiting for their new songㅜ I didn't know that it was like that
6. I used to look up their songs and enjoyed themã… ã… Please don't disbandã… ã…
7. Isn't their company Yuehua? So Chinese companies don't pay well either?
8. I liked Everglow thoughã…
9. I listened to DUN DUN and LA DI DA so many times
10. Hul I thought that Everglow was super popular overseas...