Amidst the controversy over actor Kim Soohyun's gr**ming of minors, PD Seo Hye-jin has been criticized for producing an audition program for girls under the age of 15.

PD Seo Hyejin, who led the successful 'Miss Trot' and 'Mr. Trot' series, recently revealed the broadcast schedule for her new MBN audition program 'UNDER15.'


The problem was the age of the contestants in the videos. The videos feature minors as young as 8 years old and as old as 15 years old, dressed as adults in revealing outfits such as short crop tops and see-throughs and heavy makeup, while some of the contestants act and perform in a languid, sexy manner. This was criticized as inappropriate for their age and s***alizing the underage contestants.

In particular, recent allegations that the late actor Kim Saeron dated Kim Soohyun for six years from the age of 15 have raised awareness of gr**ming crimes. It has been pointed out that the relationship began with Kim's active aggression, and that he put his partner in trouble by demanding 700 million won in compensation after the breakup, which is the same as the typical tactics of underage gr**ming crimes.

As a result, 'UNDER 15' also faced backlash: broadcast media should not encourage the s***al objectification of minors in a society where gr**ming crimes are rampant.

Under the Underfifteen teaser video, social media users wrote criticisms such as "s***al appeal criminalizes child exploitation," "should be taken off the air," and "broadcasters encourage p****hilia." The organization has now blocked all comments on the video, apparently in response to the backlash.

+ The profile photos are also being talked about overseas

original post: here

1. Get rid of this. They are insane

2. F*ck, stop making a fuss

3. Seriously harmful

4. I don't even know which kind of human even come up with this? 

5. Don't do this. What are they doing?

6. The country that encourages p****hilia

7. This is a legendary embarrassment, seriously

8. Ha... they are going crazy, seriously

9. I seriously don't see what's the issue here...

10. These crazy f*ckers are exploiting these kids

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