According to legal circles, Judge Ahn Hyun-jin of the Seoul Central District Court partially accepted Min Heejin's claims in her lawsuit against eight hate commentors. The court ruled that each of the eight malicious commentors should pay Min 50,000 to 100,000 won (~34-69 USD).

The ruling has now been finalized, with neither side appealing. It is expected that Min will continue to receive favorable rulings in his ongoing lawsuits against other hate commentors unless there are special circumstances.


Ms. Min filed a lawsuit against the abusers for damages. During the trial, she claimed that she had suffered mental damage due to their insults and defamation, and that she should be paid compensation of 3 million won per person (~2K USD).

The first instance court partially accepted Min's claim. However, the court limited the amount of compensation to 50,000 to 100,000 won per person. According to Korean court precedents, alimony for mental harm is not recognized as high.

The largest award of 100,000 won was for a comment that said, “Only three letters X X X.” “I want to XX with my fist,” ‘X like a XX,’ and ‘ps*cho X.'

Other comments such as “sneaky X” were not recognized as damages. The court held that “although the comments could be considered insulting, they were relatively mild and not overly malicious,” and that they could not be considered an infringement of the right to personality in light of the fact that they were simply “radical expressions of their opinions about Min.”

original post: here

1. 50K won is way too weak

2. 50K won....?

3. 50K won is oba... they will just write even more hate comments

4. 50K won..ㅋ That's why hate commentors are rampant

5. Kids, there's a difference between paying a compensation and a fine

6. It's because it's only 50K won that there are hate commentors

7. Min Heejin CEO is the best!!

8. Wow I was hoping for CEO Min to start suing haters and finally!!!!

9. I don't know how long this took her but I think that time will solve everything. Fighting!!

10. Good good, fighting!!

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