FT Island will be active as a OT2 group in Korea and as a OT3 group overseas. According to a Herald POP report on the 3rd, FT Island will be active with Lee Hongki and Lee Jaejin in Korea, and with Choi Minhwan included, the group will have OT3 for activities overseas.
Previously, Lee Hongki revealed his thoughts on this decision during the HONGGI B-DAY PARTY held on the 2nd. Regarding the decision to be active as a OT2 group in Korea and a OT3 group overseas, Lee Hongli stated, "There are many people who might feel uncomfortable in Korea, and though it's probably a difference in opinion, I think we need to respect that. We will reflect on it more. Eventually, we will return as a OT3 group in Korea as well."
He continued, “I think I know what you might say, but we've also made up our minds. The most important thing is that FT needs a drummer. If that friend had really done something wrong, we would choose a different path without hesitation. However, because everyone sees things differently, we believe that we need a drummer. That's why we will persist and continue to protect FT Island as a OT2 group.”
He then added, “FT Island needs a talented drummer. I'm really sorry for causing unnecessary worry. At the end of last year, we faced a huge crisis, but I think we were able to overcome it thanks to everyone. I won't talk about this anymore. The next decision is up to you. I’m really sorry, but I still hope we can have fun together. I'll work really hard.” He expressed his apology to the fans.