This is not it
In the first chorus of the debut song (20 seconds),
The center changes three times
The formation shifts four times
Yet, Ye-On is kept hidden the whole time
If they were going to sideline her so blatantly, I don't get why they went with an 8-member lineup
post response:
original post: here
1. [+49, 0]
No but if they were gonna hide her like that, why even debut her?... They knew full well that she was gonna get hate
2. [+46, 0]
But even when you didn't decide on the final members, if you couldn't even make the formation work, why debut a 8-member group?
3. [+42, 0]
That's why people are suspicious that she got some strong back up for her debut
4. [+28, -1]
She's been criticized since the trailer, but I saw her past photos and heard she did musicals, so there were rumors she'd be the main vocalist and an amazing singer. Yet she barely have any lines, and the song doesn't even showcase vocal skills. I really wonder why she was included in the group. If she was truly that talented, SM would've been eager to show her off from the debut song, but instead, she's just hidden in the background
5. [+11, 0]
She doesn’t seem outstanding in star quality, vocals, or dance, and she's a middle schooler on top of that? I won't comment on her looks, but she should just focus on studying. She doesn't even have that idol-like aura. In an industry where evaluations are constant, debuting her was a ridiculous decision. No one understands it. Even the company is keeping her in the background.