It must've taken a lot of courage for an agency's actress to unfollow the agency's CEO 

- Nuna you did well! 
- Thank you so much for unfollowing K-diddy and GM 
- Run girl... Go find another agency.. 
- Please leave this shady business
- Thank you for unfollowing the mischievous Soohyun

- Please move away from GM, we're worried for you 
- Leave GM 
- Thank you for unfollowing Diddy 
- I hope you find an even better company. This company is corrupt and greedy. I'm worried about everyone in it
- Good job girl!!!

post response:
original post: here

1. [+62, -5]
No but why are people going after everyone's IG and telling them to unfollow so and so ã… ã…  Please stop the self-censorship ... The crime was committed by Kim Soohyun, but you are criticizing other people's character based on whether they unfollowed someone on Instagram or not and saying they did a good job.. People can be so bizarre.

2. [+45, -1]
I'd want to leave GM myself f*ck 

3. [+10, -0]
It's true that she did well but it's not like the celebrities under a company can leave whenever they want. They're adding so much burden to her ã… ã… ã… ã… 

4. [+9, -0]
The K-diddy in the comments is insane ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

5. [+4, -0]
Isn't Seol In-ah's follower count almost at 0 right now?

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