Grandpa (GP): What are you talking about?
Girl (G): I'm filming
GP: Isn't the floor cold? Your butt must be freezing right?
G: I'm fine
GP: Where are you from?
G: Seoul
GP: Where in Seoul? What school year are you?
G: Ah you're asking for my age right?
GP: Did you graduate?
G: Ah yes, I did
GP: But it must be fate that we've met. Give me your contact
*This situation was so sudden..? I was taken aback*
G: My contact? Me? Why?
*I was so shocked that all I could do is laugh*
GP: No no. Because spring is coming back. You know there's something right. I'm wearing a white suit, white shoes and a fedora hat. I'm someone who loves drinking beer to commemorate my meetings. I'm someone who go to Yeouinaru, spread out a mat and sit down. (t/n: he's laying out the way his date with her would look like). Sorry, but can't you give me your contact... To commemorate our meeting, we should go for a beer
G: I don't drink beer (I obviously do). Have a good day
GP: It's so nice to meet a beauty
G: Thank you
post response:
original post: here
1. [+434, -193]
I really hope girls stop smiling whenever they hear repulsive things like that... Why do we have to keep smiling? We need to be firm so that they know you can't treat women like that
3. [+372, -3]
Ah this is disgusting
3. [+277 ,-3]
It seems like he's letting out all the ugly desires he wanted to try before he died
4. [+252, -4]
Does he think saying you're wearing white shoes and a fedora is flirting? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Ah this grandpa will have dark past forming. This is f*cking embarrassing
5. [+218 ,-3]
People like them should just d*e from old age
6. [+68, -0]
Does he think a white suit, white shoes and a fedora hat will make him look cool? ã…‹ã…‹