[enter-talk] IS BAEMON'S ASA REALLY BORN IN '06?

She's freaking pretty, really.. she's your typical cutie-sexy girl
How can someone born in '06 and who's 20 y.o give off this aura?
Her aesthetics are seriously good

post response:
original post: here

1. [+19, -2]
I like Japanese girls; She has that cutie sexy vibe that Sana has

2. [+19, -3]
This is what she looks like in real life and she looks f*cking mature and feminine. She looks so pretty

3. [+15, 0]
I didn't know but even her proportions are good (she has everything). All the Baemon kids have model-esque proportions so I want to hype them up more

4. [+12, -1]
But her skills are superior which makes her even more insane. For real, she's the type of person who really maxed out her skills hexagon 

5. [+12, 0]
Seeing this makes me realize that she's indeed born in '06

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