1. She started with the conclusion

"Ador has neither the will nor the ability to protect NewJeans."
Like a bird, they wish to fly freely. (But a bird is not bound by a contract with branches.)
NewJeans plans to follow Min Heejin. A representative who has both the will and the ability to protect them.

2. What does Min Heejin think artists are? 

"Enduring disgust and working hard? ㅋㅋㅋ it feels like I'm making others happy. It's a waste to be supporting these immature kids."
"ㅋㅋㅋ What do they even know. Just imagining staring at a mirror and dancing, you'll get a reality check. You call this work??"
"What artist? I've told them how many times that they weren't. This is so annoying, don't say this ㅋㅋㅋ What artist? "

3. To Min Hee-jin, an artist is a tool.

She used NewJeans as a megaphone for HYBE. She used them as a speaker to convey her own will.
For example, on September 11, during a surprise live broadcast by NewJeans:
“The way HYBE is working right now doesn't seem like the right way. Please bring back our CEO…” (Hyein)
“What we want is the original Ador, where CEO Min Heejin is in charge of both management and producing…” (Minji)

The main point was to bring her back. Coincidentally, this was what Min Heejin had requested that morning from HYBE.

Min Heejin: [...] Please clearly express the request for the CEO's return for the purpose of business normalization and present an appropriate negotiation proposal in response.

4.  Min Heejin's strategy for returning was two-track.

Min Heejin demanded the CEO position through email (behind the scenes). At the same time, NewJeans pressured HYBE through a live broadcast (in front of the scenes).

Dispatch obtained text messages that Min Heejin sent to the families of NewJeans members. This conversation took place on the day of the live broadcast.

"Please clearly request the return of the CEO for the purpose of business normalization." (Min Heejin, 2024.09.11)

At the time, Min Heejin was under pressure. It was a period when the irrational response to s** harassment victim was exposed.

Min Heejin turned public opinion around that day with the live broadcast. The 'immature kids' essentially paved the way for her to be supported.

MHJ: Is the live Youtube broadcast right now?
OP: No, 7pm. The dad(?) saw that Bunnies exposed something good right now and it's spreading, so we're pushing it back by a bit [...] They’re setting the stage for the kids to do well.

5. NewJeans emphasized that the live broadcast was their 'own decision.'

"I'm worried that people might say ridiculous things like it was ordered by the CEO."

Min Heejin;s side also denied these suspicions. In a now-deleted KBS interview, it was stated, "Min Heejin discouraged the live broadcast."

Did she really discourage it?

Telegram messages obtained by Dispatch tell a different story. (These messages were part of a conversation between Min He-jin and the families of NewJeans members on the afternoon of September 11.)

Min Heejin knew the exact start time of the broadcast. She even got excited when she heard, "(Burnies) are setting the stage." Can this be seen as the behavior of someone who 'discouraged' the broadcast?

Min Heejin used the artists' voices to convey his demands indirectly.

source: https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/433/0000111467

original post: here

1. This is honestly so low from HYboong 

2. HYBE = Dispatch = TenAsia ㅎㅎㅎ

3. Dispatch again 

4. HYBE really never changes ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They still believe we'd buy something like that?

5. How did they track the families' Katalk?

6. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ HYBoongie sure is fast at spreading sh*t

7. I seriously pity her so f*cking much 

8. 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱

9. Not reading anything from Dispatch ^^

10. Coming from Dispatch ㅋㅋㅋ This is just funny 

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