A high nose with a prominent bump (even though it wasn't originally a bump on the nose before plastic surgery)

What a Korean surgeon thinks of it 

"That's after the surgery?"

"Structurally, the alar cartilage under the nose that is bulging is really strong."

"This is what you see as the prominent part. They try to accentuate the Supratip Break. Westerners' noses are usually shaped like that."

"The actress that is the representant for it is Scarlett Johanson"

"She has thinner skin"

"So her nose outline is showing even more. I'm not saying that this is pretty or not pretty. I'm just saying that her shape is really visible. For Americans, the supratip break is something that is natural to them, so to make those (surgically) makes it look more natural)

original post: here

1. The intent is to make it more natural, but the way it sticks out looks like a failed nose job 

2. It indeed makes nose jobs look more natural 

3. My dongsaeng's nose is like that. I have a pig's nose but my dongsaeng has a pretty nose 

4. I find it pretty 

5. Hul I was thinking about cutting my bump, looks like I can just live with it 

6. People find it natural...? It's like having nose surgery written all over your face.. 

7. That's my nose? ㅋㅋㅋ This is so good 

8. I didn't know that was done through surgery 

9. It indeed looks natural, but it's also way too high 

10. It does look natural 

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