SDY: Didn't BIBI also appear on Zzanbro?
JCW: Ah really?
- BIBI did her first kiss scene with you right?
- You guys did it so passionately
LJY: She said it was good?
JCW: What was good?
LJY: BIBI-ssi said... That she liked her first kiss scene
JCW: Actually asking people about kiss scenes.. Like "How was it? Was it good?" People always ask questions like that right? But rather than it being "good", I feel like it's kind of a difficult job. This kind of scene requires some level of skinship. So she must've been nervous and stressed
SDY: Your body kinda stiffens..
- Did her tongue stiffen?
SDY: Because when you're nervous your body stiffens
JCW: We were working and we're not lovers right
SDY: No but still, this was method acting right? You must make the people feel a certain way
JCW: For method acting, for example, when you kill someone, you don't actually kill someone, so you can't help but act it out. But between actors...
JCW: What do you think of it?
JCW: You say something
LJY: No but that person you're asking about (BIBI), that was her first time, so she didn't have a lot of experience. That was her first kiss scene right?
JCW: Why are you asking me that?
LJY: Since oppa is an actor and she's not
JCW: No but, why would I go to see Hyungseo (BIBI) and ask "Hyungseo-yah"...
JCW: Hyungseo-yah... Did you like it...?
LYJ: Because you want to see if she was satisfied right?
JCW: What satisfaction...?
JCW: Can someone help me! You guys sound like old people in the neighborhood just watching a fight
SDY: You probably prepared a lot and you did your best
JCW: I just followed the director's directive and I tried my best to deliver the scene they wanted
original post: here
1. I find Lim Jiyeon even more so so
2. What a turnoff
3. S**ual harassment + talkshitting
4. Lim Jiyeon and Shin Donyeob, damn it...
5. I'm seeing those 2 actors in different lights in opposite meaning ã…‹
6. Save Ji Changwook, why are they like that?
7. Ji Changwook handled this mess so well. Why is Lim Jiyeon and Shin Dongyeob like that? They're so rude
8. They all showed what their level was
9. Why does Lim Jiyeon sound so boy crazy?
10. Ji Changwook was the only normal one..