"'Vote-rigging' Produce series production staff sentenced to prison
The entire 'Produce' series was rigged...
Kim Kookheon… one of 12 victims of 'Produce' vote manipulation"
Kookheon was really popular during Produce
but he almost made an extreme choice because he was a victim of vote manipulationã… ã…
He appeared on Baek Jongwon's Les Miserables (a show where he picks failed contestants and helps them open a business)
I just hope everything goes well for himã… ã… ã… ã…
original post: here
1. Wow seriously, his life....
2. Hul.... his skills were super good though.......
3. My one pick... I felt like his ranking was pretty low after Believer compared to his popularity but these f*ckers were actually lowering his ranking through their riggingã…¡ã…¡
4. Hul so he's appearing on this program huh? I really hope he succeedsã… ã… ã… ã… ã… please pick himã… ã… ã… ã… ã…
5. Ah Kookheonieã… ã…
6. Reminds me of Kim Chaewon and Fromis_9 ^^
7. I used to cheer for him and it makes me feel so badã… ã… I hope he succeeds
8. Wow... seriously, I have so much to say but I'll refrain myself. Seriously, he really must have lost his trust in this world
9. I used to cheer for him during Produce. I really hope for the best for him. I hope he gets a lot of happy times
10. This guy was so talented though