The entertainment world is abuzz with the news of 'GD and Friends' (tentative title), a new variety show featuring top star G-Dragon (GD, Kwon Ji Yong) and helmed by celebrated producer Kim Tae Ho. Known as a 'Midas touch' in the variety show realm, Kim Tae Ho's reunion with G-Dragon has sparked significant anticipation.

The program is currently in production, with plans to launch next year. While specific details remain under wraps, Kim Tae Ho hinted that more information could be unveiled as early as next week. In a statement to the media, Kim Tae Ho said, "The title is not finalized, and we are still working on some aspects of the setup. Once things are more certain, we will share comprehensive details to avoid confusion." He added, "We need time to ensure everything aligns with the overall concept."
CR: Allkpop

Kim Soohyun

Jung Haein

Im Siwan

Kim Goeun

Hwang Jungmin

Jung Hyungdon, Jo Seho

original post: here

1. Wow this will be funㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. He's really trying his best to save Bigbang..ㅋㅋ

3. Is this a 88-liner lineup? Looking forward to itㅋㅋㅋ

4. Wow Hwang Jungmin is appearing, I need to watch htis

5. What's up with Km Soohyun?

6. The lineup is crazy

7. Most of them are actors. Only 2 are variety stars

8. Wow f*ck, this will be fun

9. Hul so GD and Hyungdon will reunite?

10. They are trying to wash his image

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