original post: here
1. He sold so much f*cking goods to his fans just to send it to the BJ, do the fans not get a reality check?... What's up with the shieldㄷㄷ
2. It's ok, your fans are boy crazy enough that this will barely affect you
3. So he had his wish granted for 800M won?
> This is insane ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
> Ah f*ck this one is too funny
4. What a turn off, especially when he has a "cute" image
5. Why are the comments saying "he won't be affected" so funny
6. His fans are legendary boy crazies ㅋㅋ
7. What will happen to the people who already ticketed...
8. The boy crazies will go watch him
9. Shouldn't they scrap this?
10. The boy crazy fans will go watch him ㅋㅋㅋ Anyways only fans would watch things like that