Former Crayon Pop member Choa has revealed that she is battling cancer. 

On the 14th, Choa posted a video and a post titled “Cancer Coming Out” on her account, revealing that she is battling cervical cancer. 

"That day I was diagnosed with cervical cancer
My legs gave out from under me and I burst into tears until I couldn't see."

Her post is below:

I’m cautious because there are people who are suffering more than I am, but now I think that sharing my story might be able to provide some help and hope to someone, so I decided to bring it up.

I've found so much comfort and support in the cancer community from people who have been through it.

I want to connect and share my journey in the same way I've received it.

Since childhood, I've been healthy 
I've always been proud of my health
I used to say that my wish was to fall down once.

Cancer diagnosis and surgery in my 30s, something I never thought about or even imagined.

Looking back, I realize that I've been eating junk food my whole life.
A lifestyle of sleep deprivation and stress, and now a new life that has changed 180 degrees.

Cancer took a lot of things away from me.
but it has also taught me a lot about life.
and I'm living a much healthier and more energetic life than before.

I'm facing another surgery for fertility soon.
(I had my cervix removed, so it's a surgery to tie off my uterus beforehand).

I have a lot of hurdles to overcome to get pregnant and have a baby.
I want to meet my beautiful baby and hear them call me "mom",
I want to be a source of comfort and hope for anyone who has had a similar experience to mine!

If you're going through a really hard and dark time right now
I want you to know that this too shall pass, and to hold on to hope.

I will continue to share helpful content.
Stay tuned, and let's keep living a healthy lifestyle together!

Thank you for reading this long post!

original post: here

1. I wish her a full recovery

2. I hope she finds strength and recovers

3. Ah cervical cancer... A suffering that only women go throughã… ã…  I hope that she makes a full recovery

4. Cervical cancer, ha... find strengthã… ã… 

5. I hope that she has a full recovery, fighting!

6. Men need to get vaccinated. It can be prevented with a shot, but they don't do it because only women suffer from it

7. So she got married in 2021 and got cervical cancer in 2024..... It's not because of your diet and lifestyle, so don't blame yourself too muchã… ã… 

8. Hul... cervical cancer.... I just wish she wouldn't blame her diet and lifestyle...ã… 

9. Ah so she got married... it's not her fault so I hope she doesn't blame herself

10. I'm glad they only removed the cervixã… ã… ã… ã…  I hope you get your wish and find your beautiful baby.

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