Lee Jin-ho has accumulated hundreds of millions in debt due to illegal gambling, and it has been confirmed that BTS's Jimin, Young-tak, and Lee Soo-geun fell victim to him by lending him money. He not only borrowed money from fellow celebrities but also resorted to loan sharks, exacerbating the situation. Some celebrities have decided to file fraud charges against Lee Jin-ho and apply for a seizure of his appearance fees, as he demanded urgent funds from celebrity acquaintances. When we inquired with his agency, SM C&C, about the financial damages caused to celebrities due to Lee Jin-ho's illegal gambling, he suddenly released a statement to avoid legal repercussions. He also abruptly changed his mind about attending the Netflix press conference for "Comedy Revenge," which was scheduled for 11 a.m. today.

BTS Jimin Suffers 100 Million Won Loss (77K USD)

According to a report by Ten Asia on the 14th, BTS's Jimin, Young-tak, and Lee Soo-geun were among those who fell victim to Lee Jin-ho's lies, lending him hundreds of millions of won. Some of the celebrities who trusted Lee Jin-ho and lent him money without a loan agreement are now facing the risk of a tax bomb from the tax authorities, as it could be classified as a "gift" rather than a "loan."

Jimin was also a victim. According to a confirmation from HYBE, Lee Jin-ho approached BTS's Jimin in 2022, claiming he needed urgent funds and borrowed 100 million won, promising to return it in a week. Although a loan agreement was made, Lee Jin-ho failed to fulfill it. Jimin believed that Lee Jin-ho had no intention of repaying the money and kindly said, "Just pay it back within 10 years." However, Lee Jin-ho's misdeeds extended to other celebrities as well.

Notably, he also attempted to borrow money from the cast of "Knowing Bros," in which he appeared, with Lee Soo-geun being a significant victim. Lee Soo-geun reportedly suffered losses of at least tens of millions of won. In particular, Lee Jin-ho used Lee Soo-geun's name to borrow money from people around him. As a result, Lee Soo-geun faced considerable financial and mental distress, even repaying a friend's loan on Lee Jin-ho's behalf.

Singer Young-tak was another victim who lent money to Lee Jin-ho, although the exact amount has not been disclosed. After lending the money, Lee Jin-ho cut off contact with Young-tak, causing him significant distress.

Agency Aware but Complacent

Lee Jin-ho's agency, SM C&C, was aware of these issues. There were cases where debtors contacted the company to demand repayment. However, the agency effectively turned a blind eye to the situation and allowed him to appear in the Netflix series "Comedy Revenge." This suggests a significant neglect in management, especially knowing that the financial harm to celebrities could spread widely.

When we requested a final confirmation of the facts from SM C&C regarding these issues on the morning of the 14th, the agency did not respond and instead cut off communication. Shortly afterward, Lee Jin-ho suddenly posted a statement on his social media to garner sympathy. In his statement, he claimed to have repaid the money, but it was difficult to find instances where celebrities like BTS's Jimin and Lee Soo-geun, who suffered significant losses, actually received any money back. It appears that he made these claims to evade legal repercussions, as the presence of deception would be crucial in determining his intent in the event of a fraud lawsuit.

original post: here

1. Wow the people who lent their money to him are saints... This is crazy

2. He must've had such a wide network of celebrities and idols.. Sigh 

3. Wow this is maddening 

4. Physiognomy is science 

5. Lee Soogeun is honestly a saint 

6. F*ck why am I seeing my bias' name here?

7. Crazy look at those eyes. Physiognomy is science 

8. The fact that they were shooting a show with him every week too, daebak...

9. No way this is crazy

10. Crazy wow he's a f*cking nuisance

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