(pic not included)

Father: 167 cm
Mother: 151 cm

As you can see, both of us are on the shorter side.
We always thought that we would have just one child and raise them well, and since we believed a daughter would be less affected by height, we hoped for a girl. 
(We thought a smaller height wouldn’t be too much of a hindrance for a girl in life.)

However, when we had a son, I started to worry.
He’s only in 2nd grade in elementary school right now.... 
But we heard that his estimated height might be around 163 cm, which honestly shocked me.

The hospital told us that predictions aren’t everything and suggested we consider treatments or even surgery. But my mind is still unsettled.

How do you think people should handle this situation?... 
He’s our precious child, who we love dearly, but lately, I can’t stop worrying about whether he’ll face discrimination in life because of his height.

post response:
original post: here

1. [+128, -2]
(Commentor is a man)
163 cm is tough.. You really need to aim for around 170 cm. At 163, life, including dating, won’t be easy.. Get growth hormone shots, make sure he doesn’t get stressed, and let him sleep a lot.

2. [+114, -3]
(Commentor is a man)
What were you expecting?.. Of course, life will get exhausting.. Find a job for him that can make a ton of money at least.

3. [+83, -19]
Nowadays, when profiles of heinous criminals are revealed, a lot of them are in the 160 cm range, so the hatred against short men is severe. If your son’s estimated height is 163 cm, at best he’ll reach the upper 160s. He’ll resent you like crazy when he grows up… Please, get him hormone injections. Don’t give up on your son’s height. I'm a girl, but I also grew slower than others and secretly resented my mom for it. Thankfully, I had a late growth spurt, so I've finally shaken off my height insecurity.. Even now, I still envy taller girls. Nowadays, even short girls get bashed and mocked online (even by other girls). But for a guy... it’ll be so much worse?

4. [+67, 0]
Wow, the parents' heights are similar to mineã…‹ã…‹ I ended up at 157 cm, and my younger brother is 168 cmã… ã…  (we’re both adults over 20). Genetics, I guess...ã… ã…  My brother resents our parents for his height. He played basketball and soccer and ate well, but that’s the height he ended up with..

5. [+50, -25]
Why did you even have a kid with those genetics? Did you think a mutant would come out?

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