"I used to really like the late Ryuichi Sakamoto's music, but after learning that he ass**lted, cursed, and harassed the drivers hired by him when he was young, depending on his mood that day, his music no longer sounds beautiful, so I no longer listen to it. What you see and hear isn't everything in the world."

original post: here

1. In addition to
ㅡ While walking, he broke the window of a store he saw because he found it dirty (according to himself)
ㅡ Wife ass**lted (according to himself)
ㅡ Daughter ass**lted (daughter revealed)
Etc.. If you search in Japanese, there are way too many...

2. Huh?

3. He was a crazy bast*rd

4. Didn't he also cheat?

5. Mr. Lawrence... 

6. This is the most shocking thing I've learn from all the articles with "shocking" in the titles

7. The funny thing is that he said it himself 

8. Wow I just read his book not long ago, this is shocking 

9. He's known to beat women up, he's a crazy bast*rd 

10. Ah I freaking hate this 

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