https://youtu.be/fEJqSKY2xy0?feature=shared (t/n: the video has now been privated)

Why is he here... 
Han Sunhwa is running her own Youtube channel and is holding a talk show in it
I didn't watch it so I don't know much of the content, but I know the reactions were good 

I'm writing a few more words because I’m so disappointed. The production team, including the PD, made a huge mistake. Lee Junseok recently claimed that the number of DF criminals has been exaggerated (does it make this issue less serious if there are 800 people instead of 220,000?). He has also amplified gender conflicts and there were issues with allegations of s****l favors (t/n: pr****tution). Although the allegations were ruled not guilty, it was not a verdict of 'no s****l favors' but rather 'no evidence for the allegations.' These are completely different issues. Even if we concede that the production team’s political leanings could influence casting decisions, casting Lee Junseok is really not acceptable. Is it possible for a newly starting YouTube program to be so uninformed about casting issues? Or are you ignoring everything and casting based on personal preferences? Did actress Han Sunhwa agree to this casting? I’m truly astonished and disappointed in many ways. Just looking at the thumbnail made me frown. I don’t even want to watch the video. It’s very unfortunate.

SH: Can you call me "Sunhwa-yah!" once?
LJS: Sunhwa-yah

"I'm so grateful that Junseok oppa came"

original post: here

1. Sigh 

2. Makes me barf 

3. So that's not just a concept... She used to be an actress I liked

4. I don't care about your political leanings but to support Lee Junseok in this economy ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

5. She turned me into a fool for looking forward to her show

6. Ah... 

7. Brainless

8. Farewell 

9. She spoiled the word "oppa"

10. She was so likable and she ruined everything in one instance wow... 

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