The National Assembly's Environment and Labor Committee has selected NewJeans member Hanni (real name Hanni Pham) and HYBE's Chief Human Resources Officer as witnesses and reference persons for the upcoming audit next month. A debate regarding workplace bullying is expected to take place.

On the 30th, the committee voted to require Hanni to appear as a reference person and Kim Joo-young, the HR officer, to appear as a witness on the 25th of next month. The National Assembly plans to question Hanni regarding the workplace bullying issue and intends to inquire about the inadequate response to the matter from Kim.

Even if they are selected as witnesses or reference persons for the audit, they can submit a non-attendance notice citing "valid reasons" and may not have to appear. However, if a witness submits a non-attendance notice and the committee deems the reason insufficient, they may receive a summons or face legal consequences for non-compliance. Therefore, even if Hani does not attend as a reference person, there are predictions that Kim is likely to appear.

Earlier, Hanni claimed during a YouTube live broadcast on the 11th that she experienced workplace bullying after greeting another celebrity and their manager in the hallway of the HYBE building, only to be told by the manager to "ignore" her. This has led fans to file complaints with the Ministry of Employment and Labor, drawing attention to whether this actually constitutes workplace bullying. Given that the prohibition of workplace bullying is included in the Labor Standards Act, the key issue is whether NewJeans qualifies as "workers" under this law.

source: https://www.hankyung.com/article/202409306392i

original post: here

1. She's a foreigner, will she be alright? No but why did they choose her to attend ㅜㅜ

2. What kind of selection criteria did they had that they picked Hanni? Isn't she a foreigner?

3. Please don't attend ...ㅠ

4. I hope she refuses ㅠㅠ Low-HYBE is pissing me off 

5. Who planned it?

6. But it's true that they got bullied

7. The people who told others to not greet them was Bang Sihyuk and his people, why isn't Bang Sihyuk attending?

8. Hanni is a foreigner, is she even allowed to be selected? It's my first time seeing a foreigner at the Naitonal Assembly 

9. What crime did the kids commit seriously 

10. Why didn't they call that pig f*cker...? 

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