A 30-year-old man fleeing from a YouTuber filming a video chasing drunk drivers has died during the escape. 

The police have launched an investigation to determine whether the man was driving under the influence and whether the YouTuber is connected to the accident.

Early yesterday morning in Gwangsan District, Gwangju, a 30-year-old male driver died after crashing his SUV into a truck.

"Completely burned, to the point where it was unrecognizable... You couldn't even tell the car model..."

According to the police investigation, it was confirmed that the driver was fleeing from a YouTuber who was chasing him, questioning him about drunk driving. 

The YouTuber in question is known as a so-called "drunk driving hunter," who gains popularity by filming himself reporting drunk drivers to the police and chasing them down.

On that day as well, the YouTuber had reported the vehicle to the police, suspecting the driver of being intoxicated, and was pursuing him.

The 30-year-old man, who was driving in this nightlife district, recognized the YouTuber asking if he had been drinking and fled to this location.

The police have launched an investigation into whether the deceased driver was under the influence of alcohol, was speeding, and the connection between the YouTuber and the accident.

Apparently the YouTuber went live and 400 people watched the stream

original post: here

1. While it might be better not to provoke someone who's drunk and out of control, I feel that incidents like this might be what it takes for drunk drivers to finally wake up and face reality.

2. Well, who told him to drive after drinking? He died alone, and luckily no one else got hurt, so good riddance.

3. I think individuals shouldn't be doing this because it's not the same as the police doing it. Police are trained to ensure civilians don't get hurt, right? I don't know much, but the police probably have methods. Maybe the driver would've listened better if it had been the police ordering him to stop. This time, only the driver died, but what if civilians had been hurt or killed?ã… 

4. If he hadn't driven drunk, he wouldn't have died. It's a relief he didn't kill anyone else.

5. Isn't this excessive? ã… ã… What if innocent civilians got hurt? You're pushing a dangerous person into an even more dangerous situation. The police aim to handle it safely, but these YouTubers are just playing hero and making money. It's not the same.

6. But if someone is driving drunk, isn’t it right to follow and report them? If you just report it and move on, it could lead to worse damage.

7. I'm not saying the drunk driver did anything right, but I think private retaliation should never happen. What if there had been another victim?

8. The reason content like this exists is because the law isn't doing its job.

9. Well, for a drunk driver... at least there were no other victims. That's a relief.

10. It's not normal for civilians to privately chase down someone like that. I'm not defending drunk drivers, but the bigger issue seems to be how our country's systems aren't functioning properly in many areas.

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