Every time I read a statement, it frustrates me. Why does it keep changing and resorting to lies when all that was needed was to admit the mistake and apologize? What about the recordings and emails we have? If you’re so confident, why did you contact the spreaders of false information to try to influence them? When staff tried to dissuade you, you ignored them, and now you’re blaming the staff? It was the management who initiated the intimidation and coercion; why are you making the staff the scapegoats? Let me be clear: all the content and channels we uploaded were done with mutual agreement. The fact that the management changed doesn’t make it disappear. The 'Director's Cut' that ADOR is questioning was agreed upon by the three companies involved at the time, and there were only minor requests for tagline adjustments. There are no issues with the video upload even now. Yet, ADOR is dragging third parties into the dispute and causing harm. We clearly communicated through a separate message that we didn’t want third parties mentioned, but they are still using them to distort the situation. The companies involved in this project are suffering due to these petty actions.

And why bring up some story about the creator's pure suffering in the official statement? That’s nonsense. Denying the existing agreement and threatening with a huge penalty of billions is what forces the removal of the video. ADOR demanded immediate removal; when did they ever request proof? They’ve raised issues with copyright and portrait rights on non-official accounts, and now they’re changing their stance to only talk about the Director's Cut. If the videos weren’t removed, what would ADOR have said? It’s unbelievable how casually they lie despite having evidence.

It was a project we worked on with affection and aimed to create something good. I don’t understand why we should suffer because of internal conflicts at ADOR, but we’ve even given up legitimate rights due to their threats and coercion. According to the statement, which says the public has no way to verify the truth, ADOR will lose if the agreement is proven. It seems we should head to court now. Legally, it’s supposed to be a straightforward case. Ultimately, ADOR seems to just want to buy time and avoid public opinion. Since they haven’t apologized, we will sequentially submit or release the recordings, emails, and materials we have, and we will file a defamation lawsuit against CEO Kim Ju-young and Deputy CEO Lee Do-kyung. Lastly, the Ban Hee-soo channel is currently legally owned by the Dolphiners. We will look into transferring the channel to the fans. Although ADOR stated yesterday that it’s okay for the Dolphiners to manage the Ban Hee-soo channel, that’s a blatant falsehood. Just a few days ago, ADOR insisted on having the Ban Hee-soo channel returned. According to their refusal to recognize the existing agreement, issues of copyright and portrait rights will arise, which is nothing more than deceitful wordplay to mislead the public.

Honestly, I thought that if we offered an exit by just asking for an apology, the situation would be resolved, but I didn’t expect ADOR’s management to make such decisions in front of the public. I especially thought they would consider the artists and the confused fans at least a little, but I guess I was wrong. I don’t want fans to suffer any longer, and since ADOR refuses to take responsibility, I will take responsibility and open the Ban Hee-soo channel. If ADOR wants to sue over this, they can go ahead. I’m opening the Ban Hee-soo channel now.

original post: here

1. Fake ADOR OUT 

2. The moment Fake ADOR became a thing, their trust plummeted ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ They f*cking suck at working 

3. Fake ADOR OUT. It seems like the handover wasn’t done properly, and it looks like ADOR isn’t even trying to address it. Is this really a professional organization? Even a small, local shop wouldn’t handle things this poorly

4. This is scary... They're always resorting to lawsuits, I bet they're joking about this 

5. This really feels like the start of the end for HYB... They need to wake up 

6. I f*cking hate HYBE f*ck 

7. ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ This is just plain hilarious, they can't even apologize once ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ I'm just gonna laugh 

8. Low-HYBE

9. The company of Hannams

10. Why are HYBE's female servants acting up here? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

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