"Staying fit while on vacation
Proud young men🫡
Taehyung & Minjae
Two days of full body weight lifting, I'm proud👌🏻
I envy their youth. I envy their faces.
Let's promise for the next vacation 👍🏻
Let's eat soy-marinated crab again..."
original post: here
1. Wow I feel like his face has gotten younger
2. Taehyung-ah, you're daebak
3. Wow V is daebak handsome and his body is good too
4. Seems like he's been close to Kim Minjae lately
5. The guy on the left is actor Kim Minjae?????????
6. Wow
7. Wow what's with V's proportions? Look at how long his legs and arms are. And his face is tiny
8. So good to see
9. Wow f*ck, he grew his body freaking prettily... he's crossing the line, seriously
10. Daebak, Kim Minjae actor-nim is also daebak