- ㅎㅎㅎㅎWhich one of you Eries is going to help me make jeon?! ㅎㅎ It would be so cute... Still, don’t pout about something that doesn’t happen even a few times a year!! Help me with a good attitude, got it!!?ㅎㅎ
- Oh, right! Each house has different kinds of skewers... If you make skewers at home, could you show them to me!!?
- #Baekhyun_ThisIsWhatOurSkewersLookLike (t/n: use the tag to show off the skewers)
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm so curious [to see your skewers]!! ㅎㅎ
- It will show that each household has a different holiday food right!?ㅎㅎ That's interesting too!

Meanwhile the current trending hashtags on Twitter are: 
- Smoking indoors
- Kyungie Bubble

original post: here

1. Sigh ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He still needs to clench his teeth and run his business ㅋ

2. No but he posted that before his indoors smoking 

3. It's kinda giving me Kang Sunghoon vibe...?? His fans and himself 

4. Ugh the way he talks 

5. He reminds me of Kang Sunghoon 

6. Hul that's actually the way he talks?

7. I'm not the only one cringing right?

8. Stop the forced hate, he released it before the controversy 

9. You're also an ajussi now 

10. Ah..... He sounds so much like an ajussi now. I thought he was witty with his words?? Is that what aging does to you; He reminds me of Kang Sunghoon 

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