(the video has now been privated)

KwakTube also had a schedule in Europe, and since Lee Naeun also had plans in London, they met up when they had time before leaving. It is said they got to know each other through a PD. 

KwakTube: I feel a bit sorry for you. People around me kept talking about it, and whenever the topic of SV came up, I got really sensitive. They’d talk about victims and perpetrators, and I was so shocked that I immediately blocked you. But then I saw an article saying it wasn’t true, so I unblocked you. You probably already knew this, and even though I’ve never directly talked to you about it, I’ve felt quite guilty. I’ve shared a lot as a victim (about the situation), but I also feel like I might have caused harm to someone who’s misunderstood, which makes me uncomfortable.

Lee naeun: I thought I wouldn’t be upset, but it really hurt to see me that you misunderstood me like that and blocked me. It was upsetting to realize that there were so many people who felt that way, and it made me really sad.

original post: here

1. He's a victim of SV himself, it's quite fascinating to see him clean the image of a SV perpetrator like that 

2. Wow this isn't anyone we're talking about, but KwakTube (t/n: who is a victim of SV), this makes me feel so weird

3. He used to be an SV victim, but now he became some jjindda celebrity so obviously he wants to side with the perpetrators ㅎㅎ

4. This is so disappointing to see, why would you wash her image?

5. I've watched KwakTube in the past and he usually never mentions any of the controversies that celebrities get into, but seeing him try to clean his image... Isn't he also a victim of SV?

6. Wow what's up with the shield';;

7. KwakTube is so disappointing, he's using his position to spread his opinion about his acquaintances

8. Freaking disappointing..

9. ?????

10. Ah..I used to support him 


Hi, This is Kwak Joobin. 
There were parts in this video that I couldn't think deeply about and missed before posting. I will think deeply about my personal feelings so that they do not reflect everyone else's position. I will pay more attention to content production in the future. I apologize for any inconvenience caused while watching the video.

original post: here

1. It's over for him 

2. Stop talking about SV 

3. Does he not know how to write an apology?

4. It's already blowing up everywhere, he's over ㅋㅋ

5. Wow that's an apology?

6. Not feeling a single ounce of sincerity

7. Did he use ChatGPT to write this?

8. Personal feelings? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. Apologize to the victim 

10. Then let us know your "deep thoughts"


- Don't apologize, just go to jail 
- Hyunjoo-yah, you're still not d**d yet? And here you are again 
- ???: When are you apologizing
- Go to jail with Kwon Minah~
- Hyunjoo-yah, please fix your victim playing

original post: here

1. Why are they like that?

2. ㅠㅠㅠ The fans are still committing secondary assault on the victim... Meanwhile the perpetrator is just seen laughing and smiling on broadcast

3. Gasp I didn't know they would go this far

4. Crazy, karma will hit you back 

5. Crazy f*cker

6. I feel so bad for her, why should the victim hear these words and live like that?

7. Wow they're still trolling 

8. The LoL cheonjis (t/n: messy group) have lost it 

9. Crazy, please sue them all 

10. Hyunjoo-yah please sue... Seriously they're so mean

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