On the 10th, the Seoul Western District Prosecutors' Office Criminal Division 2 (led by Chief Prosecutor Choo Hye-yun) announced that they have summarily indicted Suga (31, real name Min Yoongi), a member of the group BTS, for riding an electric scooter while intoxicated.

Summary indictment is a procedure where the prosecution requests the court to impose a fine, penalty, or confiscation without a formal trial if the charges are relatively minor.

The prosecution did not disclose the amount of the fine requested.

Suga was referred to the prosecution for riding an electric scooter under the influence of alcohol on the evening of August 6, around 11:15 p.m., on the streets of Hannam-dong, Yongsan District.

At the time of the incident, Suga's blood alcohol concentration was measured at 0.227%, which is about three times the license suspension threshold of 0.08%.

According to the Road Traffic Act, if the blood alcohol concentration exceeds 0.08%, it results in a license suspension and a prison sentence of 1 to 2 years or a fine ranging from 5 million to 10 million won.

However, if the concentration exceeds 0.2%, the penalties are increased to a prison sentence of 2 to 5 years or a fine ranging from 10 million to 20 million won.

Insightful information - Ver exciting - Wholly agree - Excellent analysis - Strongly recommend a follow-up

1. [+65, -35]
According to the Road Traffic Act, if the blood alcohol concentration exceeds 0.2%, the penalties are a prison sentence of 2 to 5 years or a fine ranging from 10 million to 20 million won. Is this level of offense really eligible for a summary indictment??? This is absurd!!! This is the leniency we have towards DUI in Korea!

2. [+32, -5]
It was always going to end with a summary indictment, and because Suga is a celebrity, he's been subjected to a witch hunt and severe criticism from all sides. Just thinking about that makes me so angry I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. Articles about this were published 1,400 times a week before the summary indictment result came out, and there were even false reports. Some people are buried, and only Suga is being attacked. If I were Suga, I’d probably be mentally ill by now. I’m just grateful he’s hanging in there. If he were an ordinary person, stumbling around drunk would be laughable. Why is this something to be criticized for? Ordinary people drink and get around all the time; why don’t they get criticized? Even the road traffic director said he didn’t know the regulations. How are ordinary people supposed to know? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ 

3. [+18, -0]
Can they do something about all the kickboards and electric scooters around my neighborhood ã…¡ã…¡

4. [+36, -21]
Suga used the same lawyer as Kangin from Super Junior, and as expected, it's the same summary indictment outcome. It’s clear that money talks ‘you’re rich, you’re innocent.’ A blood alcohol concentration of 0.227% is incredibly high, yet it’s impressive how it’s handled

5. [+35, -20]
There are many fans saying that he's being criticized just because he's a celebrity, but being a celebrity also means getting protection. If he were just an ordinary 30-something man living in Seoul, he would have faced immense criticism. People already dislike electric scooters and kickboards, constantly complaining about them, and now that a celebrity is involved, it’s seen as excessive


original post: here

1. We're telling you to withdraw

2. His fans are f*cking weird, they complain about suing people leaving hate comments, meanwhile they're spreading hate comments and f*cking love doing that, this is how their delusions won over them 

3. Criminal record holder, leave

4. Pay the fine and leave

5. Criminal record holder, please withdraw, don't brush it off and take responsibility

6. Leave already

7. Criminal record holder leave

8. Seriously withdraw

9 .Why is he not withdrawing.......

10. With that level, it would be 20 million won. Kim Saeron had a fine of 20 million won, didn’t she?

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