Last week, my father had prostate cancer surgery and was discharged from the hospital. There were many challenges along the way, but he finished the surgery well and came home. So, tomorrow I suggested to my wife that we should visit my in-laws since my father has been discharged. However, she questioned if we really need to go, especially with Chuseok coming up soon. From my perspective, since it's my father, I thought it would be appropriate to visit regardless of the holiday. It's not like we're staying overnight; it's just a few hours to chat.

As for how we’ll visit her family during the holiday, we haven’t decided yet, but for our side, we had discussed visiting the extended big family just once this Chuseok. Since it’s our first Chuseok after marriage, we agreed to briefly visit the relatives and attend the Chuseok ceremony. However, my wife said she doesn’t want to do that either.

She says she doesn’t understand why she should visit and greet people who are not her blood relatives. She also doesn’t want to visit my parents after meeting the extended family. If that’s the case, I wonder why she got married. It would have been better to marry someone who doesn’t have family interactions. During our three years of dating, I repeatedly mentioned the importance of visiting my extended family and family events, but now that we’re married, she seems to dislike everything. I wonder why we even got married. It’s been less than a year of marriage. Should we consider divorce?

original post: here

1. Please divorce now that you don't have kids yet, I'm shocked that she doesn't want to visit her own father-in-law after a surgery from cancer... 

2. He just had surgery, it's just common sense to at least contact them and visit them once no? The woman is so in the wrong here

3. She has no manners... 

4. No but please divorce.. These are just trouble in the making 

5. Please divorce now that nothing is too serous yet... 

6 I think we need to consider the wife’s perspective as well. If your wife is a working professional and your in-laws live far away, visiting might feel a bit burdensome for her. While it’s natural to visit your in-laws during the holidays, the fact that you haven’t discussed visiting her side of the family yet makes me feel a bit uneasy ㅎㅎ

7. Divorce!

8. How do you live with someone like that in the first place.. Divorce

9. The father-in-law did such a big surgery, and she doesn't want to visit him?? This is very problematic.. 

10. Don't you guys already discuss about visiting the relatives during your dating stage? If she already didn't want to do that, you should've broken up with her already, it's not like anyone forced you guys to date each other in the first place ㅋㅋ No matter what the woman's side is, this doesn't change these facts

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