Stray Kids Felix

They took a picture together and is getting hated on by people saying things like "are you on a date"...

"+34: Honestly, seeing this kind of post as a STAY doesn’t make me happy. Under the name of "fan," STAYs stand in line under the scorching sun all day, fight for tickets, and go through a lot to get in. But as an influencer, you get to meet them easily, meet them up close, take pictures, and even get invited like this. It gives STAYs a sense of deprivation. I can understand making a post to thank him for inviting her, but seeing a picture taken so closely together... it just doesn’t feel good. I know you didn’t post this to show off, but still... After the concert, I was in such a good mood, but because of you, the relationship between an idol and a fan has become a harsh reality, and it doesn’t feel good. Please, I’m asking you... be more careful in the future.
> I agree, there's too much ulterior motive involved, and it's not pretty to see that line crossed."

"1. An unbearable old person is already crossing the line. It’s ridiculous.
> She’s just a fan, and if FELIX wants to date her, you’re not the one who gets to decide.
>And do you really think he would want to date a woman who's almost 40? Come on, even kids wouldn’t do that. A little bug should go out and date someone. Woman, leave. You come here and do this ridiculous stuff, like how much nonsense are you spewing?
> Dating an old woman? As if
> I want to date her well; she feels like a lover, and she’s beautiful."
"Is she dating Yongbokie? Most of the people who get invited in the invitees' seats are girlfriendsㅋㅋㅋㅋ seems like they're dating"

post response:
original post: here

1. [+391, -23]
Risabae is more famous than Felix thoughㅋㅋ ㅠ

2. [+212, -8]
How is taking a photo "crossing the line"? They are mentally ill

3. [+192, -6]
I freaking hate girls who are crazy about men

4. [+174, -6]
"Please be careful".. Freaking funny. Are they Ji Yeeun? Be more careful!!

5. [+118, -5]
There are so many kids who have no male friends that when they see a man and a woman together, they get triggered

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