post response:
original post: here

1. [+197, -34]
One cannot only consider a person's face; the overall impression given by their physical presence cannot be ignored. Although her face might seem pretty at first glance, knowing her overall proportions, I just perceive her as an entertaining person. I've never thought she was that pretty

2. [+121, -36]
She looks different on TV from her selcas

3. [+115, -17]
I feel like her face is being evaluated quite rightfully, if she was really pretty, even if she was a gag woman, she wouldn't be "underestimated" 

4. [+97, -10]
Of course she looks pretty on photo since she can pick the photos she wants... Her face is indeed pretty but her proportions are so so, she's also not goddess-level pretty, she's just alright pretty... 

5. [+82, -15]
Her face and features are really really pretty... + her skin is also super fair like an A4 sheet of paper... But her proportions are a shame and because she's being pushed as the gag character, her visuals are being underestimatedㅜ

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