The enigmatic Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, found himself in a bit of trouble in France. On an ordinary Saturday evening, as his private jet landed at Paris's Le Bourget Airport after departing from Azerbaijan, Durov was met not with a warm French welcome, but with handcuffs. The charges? They were a buffet of accusations including drug tr***icking, child  tr***icking, and fraud, all stemming from Telegram's adherence to its privacy policy regarding content coordination with French law enforcement agencies.

French authorities seem to have judged that they had put up with Telegram's "hands-off" approach long enough. They issued an arrest warrant branding Durov as a digital outlaw, or in French, a "public enemy" of the digital world. Durov is no stranger to controversy or evading the long arm of the law (his departure from Russia was a similar situation). Now, he faces justice in France. His arrest has sparked a range of reactions, from concerns about personal privacy to debates over platform accountability.

From an external perspective on humanity, in the massive chess game of digital privacy versus security, Durov has just been checked. But will this lead to a checkmate for Telegram’s privacy ethos, or will it spark a new move in the global tech political game? We’ll have to wait and see, as history shows us that Durov may well have another trick up his sleeve, or at least be ready to fly off to another country.

It seems that the reason for this is Durov’s disregard for the French government’s demands regarding the regulation of illegal content on Telegram.

original post: here

1. Good 

2. Let's punish him 

3. Get rid of the app 

4. People who are angry with this and who are saying that regardless of the crimes, they're going to support Telegram should ask themselves if they're in the middle of a crime too ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

5. All the pr****tution, DF, and animal a****se stemmed from the Telegram

6. Fighting to France

7. This guy is at least a partner in crime 

8. Wow so even if you can't catch all the people who have been spready illegal videos at least you can catch someone

9. We can't even compare to them, that's what a developed country is 

10. It's true that we should get rid of it

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