Model Jwang Se On's Insta story
"I like the sound of the rain"
They didn't post on Instagram during Liberation Day, but as soon as it passed, she started posting again ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
original post: here
1. But if they posted it after it, who cares...?
2. If they never posted, nobody would've known... ah they must've wanted people to know
3. Do they want us to curse at them?
4. Will they die if they don't post on Insta...
5. It's enough as long as they don't post on the National Liberation Day. I just wanted the male idols to hold off for one day
6. They probably read the room. That's different from male idols
7. But going there on Liberation Day is a bit...
8. They really can't let go of their Insta Stories...
9. But this kind of post lacks so much tact
10. It was in Okinawa so who cares? It's not like they posted on Liberation Day
11. People are really obsessed with SNSㅋㅋㅋ
12. They're worse than idols
13. At least, they read the room
14. Even so, they didn't post anything on the National Liberation Day