They got the lyrics wrong + couldn't match the pitch + the setlist was bad + Pentaport's sub-headliner, etc. they received a lot of bad responses... 

They released their mini album in March this year, so after that, even for light fans, they're realizing how they've been restlessly performing in schedules + concerts + variety shows
But fans would rather them practice more instead

original post: here

1. Even the Youtube comments are really bad, why are people trying to paint them otherwise?

2. They forgot their lyrics again?

3. So they forgot their lyrics again... This isn't some innocent mistake

4. I can understand the criticism over lyrics and pitch mistakes, but I don't understand why they hate over the setlist? ㅋㅋㅋ It's not like only DAY6's fans will be present, so they will not put any songs that aren't this popular, they probably plan which songs it makes sense to put here

5. It's just a fact that the comments aren't good 

6. Go on Youtube and people are mentioning that they've made mistakes over their pitch and their lyrics several times... They're a band that I like, so I hope they put in more effort

7. Stop saying "this is so forced" and go read the comments on the video yourselves

8. Have DAY6 always been like that?? Why are they so bad at singing...?

9. Honestly DAY6 has never been that outstandingly good...

10. I searched up to see where the mistake was made, and saw that there was a mistake during a guitar solo and someone swore with their mouth movement and their voice cracked. Overall, the quality of the performance was not good.

(t/n: Below are the top 5 comments on Youtube for those curious)

+ 129: This band is one that holds as much expectation as it does disappointment. It’s also exciting to think that there is still much room for improvement.

I understand the perspective that DAY6, as an idol band, has received. Performing at Pentaport must mean a lot to them. However, Pentaport is a festival that many more people are looking forward to beyond just DAY6 and their fans. The expectations from these people are quite different and much higher compared to what fans expect from DAY6. Therefore, DAY6 should have done better. Perhaps those who are criticizing or condemning them now wouldn’t have said much if it had just been a regular music show. So, fans, don’t be too upset. It’s just a seasonal festival, and it will soon be forgotten. They can come back and prove themselves again. Festivals are like that.

In my personal opinion, feeling a sense of inadequacy now might actually be a good thing for this band. Bands that reach their career peak often fall into a rut. DAY6 still has a lot to achieve, and isn’t it more enjoyable for fans to watch that unfold? In that sense, I hope this performance becomes a turning point for DAY6.

+70: Actually, it’s a good thing. They can use this opportunity to improve on areas that need improvement. If it had been a solo concert, maybe a few critics would have been made, and it would have been overlooked. Since this performance was at a rock festival, they were able to hear honest feedback from a diverse range of listeners, and fans could express their disappointments from a place of wanting to see improvement. If you’re a true fan, you should be grateful for the opportunity to perform at a rock festival and agree that DAY6 should do better in the future.

+22: As a fan of DAY6, I read through all the comments and saw some that were quite painful, but I think there are also many valid points. I hope that this opportunity will help them grow into a band that we can enjoy for a long time! I support them in that effort!

+ 145: Leaving aside the issues with the setlist and the stage setup, I was really surprised and upset by the various mistakes—lyric mistakes, performance mistakes, and pitch mistakes. I was in the front section, and while everyone enjoyed the concert, I could clearly feel the atmosphere becoming awkward whenever a mistake happened. I even heard people around me expressing their concerns out loud. As someone who loves DAY6, it’s really sad to see my concerns, which I had when the lineup was announced, come true. Even so, I hoped that since it was their first time performing at Pentaport, they would come prepared and deliver a great show, especially given the long gap since their last major performance. I, along with many MyDays, waited under the scorching sun from the day before and the morning of the event. Honestly, despite watching through the lens of fan affection, this stage felt like just another event schedule, lacking in understanding of the festival’s spirit and consideration for the fans. The disappointment was as great as the expectations.

I hoped to see the best performance that DAY6 could deliver. But I believe the members know this better than anyone, and I trust that the next performance and the next album will show a different, improved side. Fighting!

+456: Idols are idols after all. To be considered a band rather than just an idol group, they need to clearly feel their shortcomings and improve. I’m a fan of DAY6, and while I wasn’t actively involved in fan cafes or anything like that, I’ve always been a rock fan who set their ringtones to DAY6 songs from their debut. I’ve even listened to all their new songs, including B-sides. I probably know their songs better than most fans. I still have 71 DAY6 tracks on my phone’s playlist. I also attended their 2019 concert, and the lack of maturity I felt back then was even more starkly apparent at Pentaport, so I have a lot to say. Reading the comments here has made me think even more about it.

If they are aiming to be a band rather than just idols, they need to actively accept criticism from various rock communities and comments. I don’t understand why fans are shielding their lack of skill. Whether it’s due to poor condition, military service, or member departures, as a major professional band, they shouldn’t be allowed to have this level of performance. Fans’ excuses for everything are like criticism worse than negative comments, preventing the band from seeing their situation objectively.

If any band at Pentaport had this level of performance, it would be criticized severely on any forum. This is a paid festival with tickets costing several tens of thousands to 200,000 won, not a free charity event. If the stage I paid for is in this state, as a consumer, I have every right to criticize it. If there are hair or plastic pieces in a restaurant meal, people ask for a refund, so why should DAY6 be treated as an exception or be beyond criticism?

Ultimately, DAY6 is in the business of selling tickets and albums. If they show a lack of quality to consumers, they need to be appropriately criticized to prevent such mistakes in the future.

Even though I like DAY6, I think their performance at Pentaport was truly the worst. There were issues with pitch and session performance, and if this level of performance continues even after 10 years, it might be better for them to aim to be idols rather than a band. Breath issues caused fast tempos, unstable low notes led to erratic pitch, and session mistakes were continuous.

I hope they focus on the basics and improve through more performances. As someone who has listened to DAY6 songs more than anyone, it’s very disappointing and frustrating. After 10 years, this level of skill is beyond the realm of understanding.

Congratulations, I was really looking forward to their growth when they first came out. I hope that all the issues that appeared at Pentaport are improved in future performances. And fans, if you want DAY6 to grow as a band, please stop acting like overprotective parents. Mistakes happen, but saying ‘my kid is the best’ no matter what is detrimental to the artist.

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