1. No concept of recycling at all

All trash, including food waste, is collected in black plastic bags and thrown away (T/N: in Korea, they have an extensive waste management system, known as jongnyangje. They have different categories including paper, plastic, glass, metal, food waste, etc.)

2. Frequent use of disposable items at home or school

These disposable plates and cups are also used for everyday use at home

Single-use lunch boxes are all too common in schools
They would also be throwing the whole thing in the trash with the leftovers when finished

3. Air conditioning is running full blast at work, school, or home

Many children wearing outerwear because they are cold

original post: here

1. I live in North America, and businesses and commercial spaces often follow at least three types of waste separation (though it's not very strict). Residential areas usually require at least two types of waste separation, but it's not heavily inspected—people often just throw everything into the appropriate bins without much fuss. In some apartments, like the one you mentioned, waste separation might not be enforced strictly, and residents might just throw everything into black trash bags. It can vary depending on the apartment or community.

2. I'm in the U.S. and each state has different recycling laws, but even in the same state, there are different municipalities that separate them across the street. I live in a township that recycles paper and bottles and opaque milk jugs and everything else is garbage. The other township across the street just throws everything together.

3. I have my own recycling bin, but it's autonomous

4. For #1, most countries except Korea are like that, and I've lived in many places, but I thought what's the point of throwing away bottles and caps separately and labels separately while fussing about it in Korea?

5. You guys are the ones that should do your share of the work nowã… 

6. Honestly, I was shocked going overseas. I feel like Korea was the only country with a trash category system

7. Seems like we are doing pretty well. We should do better to let the whole world know too!

8. I wonder how China is doing

9. Hul I've watched so many American high-teen dramas but it's my first time learning that they use single-use plates

10. Earth-yah, I'm sorry

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