This is about my older brother...^^

Our family is really poor because my parents' business failed. As soon as I turned 20, we each had to work part-time jobs for spending money and live by repaying student loans. Despite working hard, we are still in debt, have no savings, and are poor.

My brother worked hard and started his own business. At a social gathering, he met his new sister-in-law, whose family is very wealthy.

At the family meeting, our family arrived in our old Sonata, while her family each had their own cars, with the cheapest one being a Genesis. Even with such a big difference in wealth, I was grateful to my new sister-in-law.

However, problems arose after the marriage. My parents go out to eat at Chinese restaurants, diners, and barbecue places, and although my new sister-in-law joined a few times initially, it became clear later that she was struggling. At the barbecue place, she would be startled by even a little noise and couldn’t eat well.

When her parents were ill, she didn’t do much—just told them to go to the hospital and get a caregiver, and that was it. Our family had to take care of the caregiving and contribute money ourselves. Seeing my parents sick was the scariest thing.

On my brother’s birthday, our family wanted to have a meal together, but her family would give hundreds of dollars and their culture is completely different. As the exchanges continued, more and more troubles arose. It seems to me that it’s mostly our family’s fault...

The differences between my new sister-in-law, who avoids noisy and dirty things, and our family, who are used to such things, are greater than expected. She rarely comes to family events due to work, which makes my parents unhappy. My brother gets angry, shouting that we should appreciate the times she did come, leading to fights.

It’s not a sin to be poor, but it’s a problem to lack manners and have an inferiority complex when being poor. Compared to my new sister-in-law, my parents' manners are indeed lacking.

My new sister-in-law’s parents don’t ask for anything, but my parents keep having expectations and inferiority complexes. After my sister-in-law leaves, my parents grumble about how expensive things are useless and criticize her parents' foreign cars and luxury items, complaining about unnecessary expensive things. It’s hard to watch them muttering when alone.

In the beginning, it wasn’t like this, but as we continued the relationship, our family kept putting down my sister-in-law’s family. Even if my sister-in-law didn’t hear it directly, she probably sensed it.

Now, there’s talk about her not wanting to have children, which might lead to more fights soon. Even though they are my parents, I don’t know what to say. My brother’s attempts to prevent fights by getting angry don’t work; my parents don’t listen.

It seems that people naturally get along with those in similar situations, especially when it comes to wealth. From what I see in my own family, those who are poorer tend to show more inferiority. Cultural differences cannot be ignored either..

post response: 
original post: here

1. [+212, -4]
When the man's family has a lot of money, the woman has to lower herself and perform rituals, and even her own family has to do the same. But even if the woman's family has a lot of money, the man's family still tries to make her perform duties and rituals, which leads to conflicts. Here, the men don't seem to understand this context and yet they're here talking about "poor women shouldn't date rich men eitherrrr"

2. [+183, -5]
Men are so f*cking emotional ã…‹ã…‹ When men are rich, they'd make the women have their baby, and host meetings with the in-laws, but even when the men are poor, they're still trying to make them host stuff for the in-laws and saying stuff like "I'm not even trying to stir problems" and acting all emotional in the comments ã…‹ã…‹

3. [+126, -3]
This is why people end up breaking up. Even if the woman's family has much more money, they still make the woman participate in rituals and family events... Wealthy people usually don't bother meeting just anyone because time is money, but they don't understand this and keep making demands like 'come here,' 'do this,' and 'show respect.' In the middle of it all, the man is the one "suffering"... When the man's family has money, the woman's family usually understands the situation and bows down, not saying a word and being submissive to the son-in-law. But when the woman's family has money, the man's family never understands the situation. So eventually, when the woman leaves, the man ends up with nothing and just mingles with his own kind.

4. [+95, -2]
The woman's family is rich, but she visits her in-laws because the man she loves is family-oriented and takes her to a cheap restaurant that she doesn't want to go to. You'd think they would be grateful for her actions, but instead they're ordering her around. Of course they'll end up fighting 

5. [+65, -3]
You should be speaking to your parents instead, what's the point of listening to comments here tsk tks If the other person feels that it only lowers her family's prestige, do you really want to have a new life in that family? It's not that his family is poor, rather, his family is unreasonable. There are a lot of poor people who know how to stay reasonable 

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