On the exciting concert day... Which of the following fan is the most unfortunate?

  1. Jinhee, whose phone died just as the singer posed in front of her for a photo
  2. Jihoon, who left his glasses behind and has poor vision, sitting in the back row on the 3rd floor
  3. Jisoo, who suddenly experienced severe diarrhea and had to leave the fence
  4. Jihye, who couldn't see the electronic display because someone was holding up a slogan in the front of her
  5. Hoonie, who had to leave before the encore because of train schedules
original post: here

1. Obviously 3

2. 3, It's a matter of human dignity too

3. First of all, Hoonie is the least pitiful 

4. #3 is the overwhelming winner here... 

5. Ah I would've lost it at #1

6. 1, 2, 4 and 5 happen more often than you think, this is why the term "1열에똥" exists (t/n: il-yeol-e-ddong / literally means disaster in first row, meaning that you can be in the best seat in a concert and a disaster can still happen)

7. #3 it's just a human disgrace

8. #1 is all about planning, but once you miss that, you will do it for the rest of your life

9. #3, I feel bad for #1 and #2 still has his glasses at the end of the day... #4 is just infuriating and #5 is upsetting

10. Am I the only one who thinks it's #4? #3 is a shame but you can always come back after going to the washroom, as long as your physiological issue is resolved, there's no more problem. But for #4, it's not like you can move someone's head and even if you shout, they won't hear, it's like coming to a show and seeing nothing 

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