The CrewOne
original post: here
1. Why are the photos so badly taken...
2. Why is everyone looking so bad on those photos...
3. I know Cravity and TEMPEST's faces, but the editing is way too weird, they all look so different. They're actually handsome...ã…Žã…Ž Anyway, fighting
4. They did such a bad job with those photos, I was looking for those 2 "nuna" guys and I couldn't find them
5. Who took those photos? They're handsomer in real life... Anyway, fighting
6. I wonder what's the prize for the winner
7. What kind of editing is that...???????????? I know around 2 people per group but I couldn't recognize a single one of them here
8. The editing... Is freaking oba... ã…
9. Why do they look so bad, I can't recognize them...
10. Wow... There are so many groups I don't know ㅜ Everyone fighting !!