If there's a guy around my age, I see him as a potential dating partner unless he’s completely unattractive
When I take the bus or subway and there’s a guy my age sitting next to me, I get really nervous. I worry about how I look and even imagine scenarios where I get confessed to
Even this summer, I’m attending a TOEIC academy and always prepare for two hours before going out because there are guys there

From kindergarten to university, I’ve always had a crush, and I still do
Before I go to bed, I always imagine dating my crush and fall asleep; it’s my routine

When guys make mistakes, I find it cute
But when a girl makes a mistake, it annoys me; it seems like she’s too immersed in her own ‘clumsy me’ persona

When I see guys flirting, I get excited, even if they’re not flirting with me
But when I see a girl flirting, it seems like she’s just being overly coquettish, which honestly annoys me

Last weekend, I was with my friend’s boyfriend and his friends, and one of them complimented my friend’s jawline
I told them that my friend got Botox in her jaw

I know I’m being rude and that I'm the worst, but I want to fix my attitude
How do I change this? 😭 I know I’m the worst...

original post: here

1. At first, I thought it's fine since you were only talking about your own imagination and fantasies, but then you're suddenly trying to bring your friend down for her chin botoxγ…‹γ…‹ This is getting oba, fix it 

2. Looks like you've never dated
> [OP] Nop, I'm 25 y'o and I've been having boyfriends since kindergarten. I still remember them 

3. The fact that you're ready to bring others down is so oba, especially the chin botox 

4. Nobody with actual confidence will be doing what you're doing, you seem freaking insecure

5. If I may be honest, I find it impressive that you have so much self-awareness. Usually people think everyone else is boy crazy except themselves γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹ I think it's fixable 

6. You may believe you have high self-esteem, but the actions you portray in your post screams insecurity... Who would just rudely mention a friend's botox? You're clearly jealous

7. OP, have you ever dated for more than 1 year? Usually when you're young, you feel insecure, but if you experience real love, you'll get more mature... Rather than thinking of an unspecified number of people as your romantic partners, try targeting just a few people and start dating them!

8. Are you this pretty? γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹  Reading about your actions, you don't seem this pretty 

9. You should live while shutting up your mouth
> Freaking funny γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

10. From what I'm seeing, there must be something with your insecurity, but it's also something with your sense of loneliness
Wouldn't it be a good idea for you to take some time to get to know yourself? 

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