Stars from girl groups who have announced their marriages are suffering due to their (soon-to-be) husbands. Even idols who were happily married saw their reputations plummet to being 'national villains' in an instant due to their husbands' mistakes.

On the 29th, Hani's SNS was flooded with malicious comments related to her partner Yang Jaewoong. Previously, on the 26th, SBS reported, “A patient died 17 days after being admitted to a hospital run by a famous psychiatrist. The CCTV footage shows hospital staff restraining the patient’s hands and feet when she complained of stomach pain. Despite the patient’s abdomen swelling and bleeding from the nose, no significant measures were taken.” Netizens speculated that the hospital in question was W Jin Hospital, run by Yang Jaewoong and Yang Jaejin (brother). Consequently, Hani's SNS was bombarded with comments like, “Hani, you shouldn't get married if this really happened. Someone died,” “If the doctor is busy [during times like these], it means they neglect patients,” and “Hani and Yang Jaewoong are the birds of a feather.” The controversy was exacerbated by the fact that Hani announced her engagement to Yang Jaewoong just four days before the medical incident.

The issue is seen as a lack of respect for the patient who died in the medical accident. However, as of the 29th, Yang Jaewoong's side has not made any public statement. T-ara’s Jiyeon had posted on her SNS story on the 20th of last month, “Due to personal reasons, I may not be able to upload YouTube videos for a while. I ask for your understanding.” Netizens speculated that this was due to malicious comments related to her husband, KT Wiz's player Hwang Jae-kyun's bench-clearing incident. Previously, Hwang Jae-kyun had expressed dissatisfaction with Hanwha Eagles pitcher Park Sang-won's celebration during a game between KT Wiz and Hanwha Eagles, leading to a bench-clearing brawl. Consequently, some netizens left comments on Jiyeon’s SNS and YouTube channel, such as “Manage your husband better.” Eventually, Jiyeon announced a suspension of YouTube video uploads two weeks after the controversy.

HyunA acknowledged her public relationship with fellow singer Yong Jun-hyung in January and recently announced she will marry in October. However, since her partner has been implicated in the 'Burning Sun Gate' scandal, she could not avoid personal attacks from netizens. HyunA had already faced global backlash when a BBC YouTube channel's documentary on 'Burning Sun' was released in May. Moreover, her career has been shaken by poor concert ticket sales and audience boycott controversies. The phenomenon of netizens engaging in malicious comments, known as 'coordinated targeting,' has become a pervasive aspect of online culture, worsening over time. 

Particularly for idols, the addition of gender issues related to 'husbands and wives' intensified the attacks. Cultural critic Kim Heon-sik stated, “It is inappropriate to impose collective punishment on public figures. They did not conspire in the incident. Posting terror-like malicious comments amounts to serious defamation and criminal acts. Especially in the cases of Hani and HyunA, who are not yet married but are in potential future relationships, further criticism is unjustifiable.”

Why is Jiyeon lumped into this...

original post: here

1. Why is Jiyeon here?

2. Must be easy to release articles damn, what's different from this and blogs?

3. What does Jiyeon have to do in this? Why is she as bad as the lineup we have here? ㅋㅋ

4. Remove Jiyeon ㅡㅡ She's still likable 

5. Hwang Jae-kyun didn't even do anything wrong ㅋㅋㅋ

6. Hani unnie.... ㅜㅜ

7. There's nothing wrong with bench clearing though?

8. Jiyeon is living her life to the fullest, why is she there?

9. Hani and HyunA yes, but why JIyeon..?

10. Why is Jiyeon here?

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