(T/n: Summary in the second post)

original post: here

1. I seriously support Tzuyangㅠㅠㅠ find strengthㅠㅠㅠ

2.  As the lawyer mentioned, imagine how many more victims like this exist. They cling on, exploit the woman until she's completely ruined, and then move on to the next victim. Seriously, Tzuyang has been through a lot, and it's hard for her to speak out about it. I feel so bad for her. I'll continue to support her a lot.

3. Tzuyang fighting!

4. From a YouTuber's perspective, isn't it more profitable to expose a million-subscriber YouTuber's past in a hostess club than to receive 5 million won? I thought these YouTubers made a ton of money by gossiping about others, but they must be making even more behind the scenes.

6. Stay strong, Tzuyang. We're rooting for you.

7. It's heartbreaking

8. A bunch of old men saw a young girl making good money and swarmed in like parasites. It's absolutely disgusting.

9. What kind of trash are these people? I hope they get properly punished.

10. This makes me so mad


- GuJaeYeok sent an email to Tzuyang with a link to a video containing threats. When uploading a video to YouTube, it's possible to set it so only people with the link can view it. He sent it to her this way, and the settings could be changed to public at any time. He threatened that he couldn't wait long and would assume her silence meant agreement, demanding 55 million won.

  The threat was about tax evasion, but as all earnings were controlled by the former agency representative, Tzuyang couldn't do anything about it. She stated she would submit all documents and fully cooperate with any investigation if there were any tax issues.

- The person who provided GuJaeYeok with information about Tzuyang was the lawyer Choi, who was the former agency representative's lawyer. This person is both a journalist and a lawyer. Two days after the representative's death, Choi contacted Tzuyang's side for a meeting (attended by her manager and PD). 

  He showed the will and stated that he wanted to become a minister or even the president and didn't want revenge, asking for the absurd favor of promoting his business products. After this was rejected, Choi extorted 1.65 million won per month from Tzuyang, totaling 23 million won so far.

- The person who sent a direct message to JunGookJin with false rumors (like school violence) is suspected to be a college acquaintance of Tzuyang. 

  Additionally, Tzuyang never engaged in the activities mentioned on JunGookJin's channel, such as transactional relationships. The place she was forced to go by the former agency representative was a bar without sexual contact, and she has all the KakaoTalk messages from that time to prove it. 

These messages include conversations where the former agency representative discussed "educating" Tzuyang mentally to make her more submissive and send her to more extreme places to earn more money (F*ck...).

- Tzuyang also filed complaints against two women who extorted more than 200 million won from her. She had never met, contacted, or even knew these women. According to the deceased former agency representative, these women claimed to have known Tzuyang in the past and threatened her, prompting the representative to suggest silencing them with her money, amounting to around 216 million won over two years.

original post: here

1. Jail them all

2. I support Tsuyang!

3. I doubt the last two women have any substance. The previous representative did so much trash behaviour

4. Please catch and jail them all, these f*ckers

5. Why are there so many people trying to extort money from others?

6. How can her surrounding be so trashy?ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜ Stray strong Tsuyang, you have endured these hardships well so far. Tzuyang, you did nothing wrong and I hope that the people who used you all get punished

7. Wow how many people were after her....

8. Tzuyang, I hope you stay healthy

9. What am I reading... Tzuyang was basically fighting all alone

10. This is insane

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