1. Wow, congrats congrats🎉🎉🎉
2. Jimin is impressiveㄷㄷ
3. Wow Jimin is daebakㄷㄷㄷ the song is good. Congrats congrats
4. The numbers are so weird though? Can you get that many streams in such a short amount of time?
5. This group doesn't have antis outside fighting but instead, have a bunch of akgaes fighting within the fandom constantly. I don't even know what they are sayingㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. The song is good, that's why it's getting a lot of streams obviously. Why are people calling everything "weird"? Jimin, congrats congrats. I hope that all our country's singers do well
7. Jimin-ah, congrats~~~~!!!!
8. Bangtan's akgaes are back again writing hate comments by themselves. Can you guys just congratulate someone for something good?
9. The numbers are indeed weird
10. Why are you guys being so mean? There’s no proof that it's fake, but you're already assuming it and attacking him. I came here to congratulate, but I’m really disappointed