"Honestly, Min Heejin is getting scrutinized worse than a presidential candidate.

Even politicians don't have three years of their KakaoTalk messages dug up.
It’s insane. For them to dig this deep, including scrutinizing her surroundings and corporate documents, and still find nothing, means she’s run her business really cleanly.
She's going through much worse than a politician."

original post: here

1. For real, their actions have been so disgusting. Imagine how much of a trash they are that they need to expose her private messages to this extent

2. For real. They are insane. How is this possible? Do they not get punished? Expose your Katalks too then

3. Well said. This just highlights how much of a loser HYBE is. They should release their own personal Katalks as well

4. For real. I bet that their own Katalks are way worse than hers

5. If they had three years of their own Katalks revealed, there would probably be countless reasons for them to be arrested.

5. Wow, three years of Katalk messages... that's really pathetic. How little must they have found that they resorted to exposing three years' worth of messages. Ugh.

6. For real, seriously, all she did was work

7. Really, I pity Min Heejin

8. For real, Min CEO, please expose all these f*ckers

9. Honestly, I can't speak to their personal character, but it seems like they're doing this because they have nothing to criticize on a professional levelã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ But seriously, if an executive runs the company well, that's what matters. She hasn't committed embezzlement or misappropriation, so what's the big dealã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ She hasn't done anything illegal

10. I hope that Min Heejin wins the lawsuit

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