The day before yesterday, she was at 10.1M
Yesterday, she went up to 10.2M

She now went up to 10.3M

She got 200K subscribers in 2 days
Everyone seems to be subscribing to her to show her support
I'm touched to see so many people cheering for her...

original post: here

1. I also just subscribed to her

2. I also have to follow herㅠㅠ

3. I don't even watch mukbangs but I subscribed to her. I hope that she smiles a lot in the future

4. I don't watch mukbangs anymore but I subscribed to Tzuyang, fightingㅠㅠ

5. I also don't have interest in mukbangs and I didn't even know who Tzuyang was before this. I learned about her through this incident and I wanted to support her and subscribed to her right away

6. I also followed her.. I hope she finds strength...

7. I also did it

8. I don't watch mukbangs either and I've never subscribed to her but I did it this time. I hope she overcomes everything. I support her

9. I even subscribed to her side channel, fighting

10. Wow daebakㄷㄷ even though I was always a subscriber 

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