Starting at ~1:33:00

"Security: When Woo Seok-ssi arrives in a bit, we’re going to block off the gate. It’ll be for 10 minutes. No one here, not even the reporters, will be allowed through. Got it?

Reporter 1: Blocked off for 10 minutes? What?

Reporter 2: Yeah. That’s what he said. None of us will be allowed through. He said when it gets blocked, we’ll have to go around.

Reporter 3: That makes no sense.

Reporter 4: Who is letting them do that?

Reporter 5: So what, we won’t be able to go in?"
CR: Koreaboo

original post: here

1. They even checked tickets in the loungeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just take a private jet at this rate

2. So f*cking ridiculousㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even way more popular actors and idols don't act like this.

3. I've never seen this in my life. The airport isn't the actor's agency's private property, what are they doing?

4. ??? Blocking the airport gate? What about the other passengers? If they don't want the crowd, they could use a private passage no? Why block the gates?

5. Why are they doing this?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even if the security is acting this way, shouldn't the actor stop them?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. So pretentiousㅜ

7. As someone who follows top idols and actors, I've never seen this kind of behavior. It's hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. People need to be consistent..... Being steady keeps popularity for a long time. Making enemies will backfire eventually... it'll ruin everything...

9. When low-profile actors suddenly get popular, they all change because they get high on this kind of attention. They clear out busy spaces like airports to make a scene and enjoy being the center of attentionㅋㅋ They won't stop it because they enjoy it.

10. I've never seen this actor before, but he's being ridiculous. The actor probably requested this kind of security. Fans are just as over-the-top.


original post: here

1. This celebrity and his fans are still living inside his drama. He's not Sunjae in real life

2. He's in his mid-30's no? What's wrong with him?

3. What the heck is he doing?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ his bodyguards must be so pissedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. He's way too excited...

5. He's probably getting overly excited because of his sudden fame. He's out of control

6. I wish he'd act with more tact

7. The funniest thing is that the fans who might rush in are behind the lines, but the security guards are overreactingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  He could just walk while keeping a distance

8. At this point, the fans aren't the ones that the security guards should be stopping

9. If you suddenly become a top star, you'd probably get excited.. I really don't wanna bash him

10. For the first time, I feel sorry for the security company


Byun Wooseok's agency has apologized for the "excessive security" controversy that arose during his departure.

Below is the full statement from Byun Wooseok's agency.

This is Varo Entertainment.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to passengers at Incheon Airport on the 12th during the departure of our artist, due to the actions of the security personnel.

First, we addressed the issue of the security guard shining a flashlight at passengers and requested that they stop. While we were not aware of the gate, ticketing, or detailed security situations at the scene, we take full moral responsibility for any unfortunate incidents during the security process and sincerely apologize to the passengers who were inconvenienced.

We will ensure that such situations do not occur again by thoroughly checking and taking more precautions in the future, including for airport passengers and others affected. Once again, we apologize for causing concern.

Once again, we apologize for causing concern.

original post: here

1. Moral responsibility? They should be held legally accountable

2. The scapegoating is so obvious, and the apology is so insincere.

3. It's not just about moral responsibility, they need to take legal responsibility too. Starting with violating privacy laws, everything they did was illegal.

4. Look at the apology, it’s seriously lacking in sincerity.

5. This agency was praised for being competent, but their response is a f*cking mess. They are passing the blame to subcontractors, and acting high and mighty. This apology does everything wrong. He skyrocketed to fame and now seem to want to crash just as fast.

6. Look at them shifting the blame, even though they're the ones who hired the security. They're sticking to this till the end

7. This incident made him seem so fake to me. I even had his photo as my profile pic, but I was so embarrassed I changed it right away

8. How quickly can he forget his roots? Seriously, why are both the agency and the actor acting like this? Did sudden fame blind him?

9. So arrogant, talking about moral responsibility. Do they think the airport is their playground? The responsibility is clear, so why are they putting the blame on the security firm?

10. Look at the level of scapegoating 

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