This looks way too dangerous

original post: here

1. It's true that he got way too much hate but it's also true that he has no tact...

2. This person has always been like that. If he stopped greeting fans, then you guys will start saying how he caught the celebrity disease or whatnot. It makes me realize that the only that changed is that he got famous

3. I've seen this a lot before.. celebrities' mistakes, words, and actions get scrutinized down to the nano level, with screenshots and gifs made to criticize and bash them. There's a long history of this kind of thing, and while I don't know who started it, the amount of effort put into making these gifs shows a lot of dedication but without the affection.

4. Yah, people don't go after murderers with this much intensity, right? Why is it like this? Does another person need to end up with a mental illness before it stops?

5. He honestly doesn't seem like a bad person, he's just not handling things well. But seeing people hound him so relentlessly makes me feel sorry for him, even though I didn't care about him before. It's creepy how people are so intent on tearing someone down until they're ruined.

6. The actor definitely handled things poorly, but dragging this out endlessly doesn't seem normal either. Too many people seem to derive a sense of superiority or thrill from targeting, criticizing, and mocking someone.

7. You guys have found your new target and have started tearing him down. You guys have severe issues

8. Wow this is getting over 1,000 commentsã„·ã„· but does Byun Wooseok not read the reactions under his videos?...

9. Seriously, if you have never been personally inconvenienced by Byun Wooseok at the airport, just stop. You guys are even worse than the sasaengs over there

10. So you guys are still hating on him? This is severe

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