(T/N: motae-solo = never dated. There's another trending post about a 27 y.o motae solo)

Ha.... what is marriage...?

original post: here

1. Did they all rejected you?
> (OP).. I went on a few blind dates but we didn't click so I didn't go on more dates...

2. It's more comfortable if you just give up on marriage

3. I'm also 30 and a motae-solo~ I went on a blind date with a man 5 years older than me recently and he rejected me~

4. I'm also 30 y.o and I broke up with my ex I've been seeing for 8 years

5. I'm 30 and I escaped my motae-solo daysㅋㅋ We've been dating for 3 years and even got married

6. I've been a motae-solo until I turned 35ㅋㅋ I had my first date at 35 and got married after 9 monthsㅋㅋ I'm pregnant of my 2nd child nowㅋㅋ

7. OP, are you planning on getting married? If so, you should go to the marriage bureau! If not, then you should just enjoy your current life!

8. It's fine. My husband was also a motae-solo until he turned 30. He met me at 31 and we got married

9. I'm a 28 y.o motae-solo... there's no man around me and there's even less "good" men.. what am I gonna do...

10. I'm 31... ㅠㅡㅠ 

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