Singer and actor P.O described an anecdote from his military training camp.

That day, Shin Dong Yeop asked Zico, "Back then, our writer showed us a video. P.O performed in military uniform in that village, pulling off all parts of BlockB's songs alone. You must have been proud as the leader."

Zico replied, "I saw that too. But he should save that earnestness for when he's promoting. It was written all over his face, 'If I do this, maybe I'll get a vacation.' If he was like this [during promotion], we would have already won three MAMAs."

P.O then remarked, "At the end, our members came and performed together, which was nice."

To this, Zico recalled, "You had that incident during your training camp. You kept talking about, 'Let's go see the private parts.' "

P.O explained an anecdote from his training camp, saying, "There were hundreds of guys in the shower room, and after training, everyone gathered there saying, 'Let's go see P.O's private parts.' "

He continued, "From the moment I started taking off my clothes in the shower room, I was thinking, 'What should I do?' But since we were all guys, we stripped quickly and went in [the shower], and they would poke fun saying 'Hurry up, look quickly.' and showered together. But then everyone crowded in and people hurt themselves. People slipped on the stairs and it got really noisy in that narrow space."

P.O added, "Because I'm a celebrity and somewhat famous, there was one guy among the young guys in my platoon who looked out for me. He let me shower first and I was so thankful. Despite that, it got noisy because everyone crowded around to see me, and then the platoon leader got angry."

He recounted, "While we were showering naked, he ordered us to lie down and stretch out. So everyone was lying naked and receiving punishment. But that same guy in front of me kept turning around to check on me. So I said, 'Hey, thanks [for earlier], but look ahead,' I felt embarrassed."

original post: here

1. Wow....Why would they lie them down naked, this is oba.....

2. Ah this makes me swear

3. Ah thinking about my bias being in the military... What is he going to do? Ah I hate this 

4. This is honestly oba... Can't they improve their washrooms?

5. The SA and SH you get in the army is no joke. I don't understand why men feel so lightly about s*x, even this article, it was written in a way that's supposed to be funny

6. No but what would they gain from looking at his privates?... I honestly don't get it 

7. These types of things are so common in the army.... It's a relief if you're put in a good group, if not, they're all like this ã…  My bias also suffered like that ã… 

8. Brainless 

9. Hul........... Why do they feel the need to look at someone else's part...?

10. They don't know anything about consideration, this must've been embarrassing ã…  

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