OP: I'm a full-time employee at the airport. I had to go quickly to eat during lunch time, but they blocked the entire entrance to the departure hall because Byun Wooseok was coming. I understand that this is a measure for the safety of the passengers, but I had to go back [to the airport] so I was wondering what all of this was for? Even so, the airport is so big that every second and minute matter and you need to rush...
- The legendary eyesore
- So this was true
- ? But your profile says you're a banker?
 > (OP): I am working at a bank at Incheon Airport. Employees working within the airport, regardless of their occupation, are collectively referred to as airport's full-time employees
- I see

post response:
original post: here

1. [+57, -1]
So even the Incheon Aiport wasn't aware of these security measures?? What the?

2. [+55 ,-11]
ㅋㅋ At this point, he really caught the top star disease ㅋㅋㅋ Please go back to practice acting instead ㅋㅋ

3. [+31, -0]
What the? Didn't they claim that the Incheon Airport didn't give Byun Wooseok a special treatment?

4. [+25, -0]
So it's possible to set up security like that without the airport knowing?

5. [+22, -2]
And this wasn't the first time, at this rate, Byun Wooseok is just enabling this or did Byun Wooseok and his company request this? If you think about it, Byun Wooseok's company is at a higher position than that security company, and you'd think that the security guards would set all these things up without Byun Wooseok's permission?
"It wasn't the first time",  Byun Wooseok, Another instance of "flash security""

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